Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Happy New Year!

Hi friends!

I am here in the Dominican Republic! I arrived safely back to the place I call home on December 31st and was able to spend New Years Eve with my fellow missionary workers and close Dominican friends. We had a great time at the Gabriel household eating good food, playing dominoes, and in my case- trying to keep my eyes open to enter into the New Year!
There was a beautiful array of fireworks we were able to watch from the balcony, and of course they continued until the early hours of the following morning!

We had about a week to settle back into our houses (you wouldn't imagine how much cleaning there is to do when you have gone for two months), and visit friends and catch up on the last two months.

Just yesterday, our first official team of 2008 arrived here from California! Real Life Church is here working alongside Pastor Felix, helping to build the church and nutrition center in The Hole. All of our staff was anxious to receive our first team and get back to work on the field!

We are so excited for a new year, new teams, new people coming to Christ, new buildings being finished, new communities being partnered with, new mouths being fed, new, new, new!
Please continue to pray for G.O. Ministries- for a strong and healthy staff to lead on the field, for new Americans to partner with our Dominican and Haitian brothers and sisters, for new opportunities to grow in ministry, for God's leading and provision.

Thanks again for your prayers and allowing me this opportunity to serve God here in the D.R.


"May the LORD continually bless you with heaven's blessings as well as with human joys."
Psalm 128:5 tlb


Kat said...
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Kat said...

Hi! I was just searching the internet for the song "Made to Worship" by Chris Tomlin and your site showed up.
I'm being encouraged by reading this blog, 'cause even though we don't know each other, it's great to see that there are people who have a love for Christ and a passion to see His kingdom advance in my land, the Dominican Republic. It was really cool to see those pics/video of teams working. I've had many experiences working with teams and it's real joy!
My name's Katherine and I'm dominican. I'm a Christ-follower as well :) and been praying about going to the missions field...but not as much as I should though. Anyway, just wanted to leave a msg here. God bless you and your ministry!