Monday, March 10, 2008

February has been quite a full month!

We were blessed by several teams who came to the Dominican Republic to serve our brothers and sisters through constructing churches, nutrition centers, VBS, feeding kids, and a celebrate recovery conference for the pastors and leaders of the local churches G.O. supports. John, a fellow missionary arranged for us to take 50 kids from "The Hole" (a landfill housing over 600 families) to get ice cream at Helado Bon, the local ice cream shop. As we drove to Bon, the kids, filled with excitement sang silly songs and once we arrived they spent the first 40 minutes going down the giant slide and then getting back in line... it was a never ending circle from the bottom of the slide to the line at the stairs. We asked Jenni, the pastor's wife, if this was something they get often (ice cream), and she immediantly answered "no." What a joy it is to be able to bring joy to a child's life praising God together for the things he gives us and the ways he blesses us... through ice cream.
I have made several trips to the Bateys this year and look forward to yet another trip next week when my mom and friend arrive to the Dominican Republic from Las Vegas. South Hills' trip has been postponed until July, but thankfully my mom and Zoraida will still be able to visit for a week, and work with another team that will be serving here in Santiago.

Please continue to pray for South Hills and their team that they are currently putting together to serve here in the D.R. this summer.

One special way I am learning about Christ's love for me and through his people here on the island of Hispaniola is through encouragment. I have been reading different verses in the Bible that all speak of encouragement, even that it is a spiritual gift. Which is not something I would have guessed before this study. Even a simple smile or a hug can bring joy to someone's day including mine. The simple act of visiting someone or letting someone know you were thinking of them can change someone's perspective. Take time to hold a child. Bring flowers to someone. Share your food. The Dominicans and Haitians here are daily teaching me what it means to be a servant.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to work in this country and be shaped and molded by those around me and by our precious LORD Jesus. I know, that many hearts are being strengthened, as it is found in scripture, by Jesus, because of the ways you sacrifice for God's Kingdom to expand.

We look forward to the Spring which will bring 7 teams here to bless the work of the Nationals serving here. Please pray for a fruitful season of ministry. Pray for new partnerships to grow, for new believers in Christ, for the chains that keep us from living a life full in Christ to be broken. I ask that you pray for humility and a brokeness amongst our staff and in my own life and that we would remain humble before our LORD.

"The poor will see and be glad- you who seek God, may your hearts live." Psalm 69:32

Here are a few pics from this past month in ministry:

Dave Stone's Bible study team mix concrete and pour the floor for the Dormitory/ Nutrition Center/ Church building in Hato del Yaque

Girls from the team stop working to pose with some of the neighborhood kids who brought joy to the worksite in the form of flowers

Montan, a church elder, and pillar of the church visits the worksite with some of the neighborhood youth

50 Kids from El Hoyo "The Hole," eat ice cream at Helado Bon... son buenos!! Can you find Jackie?

Kids anxiously wait in line for a scoop of blue "chicklet" flavored ice cream

kids enjoy their ice cream!

I am visiting with my friend, Mary Luz, who is expecting baby Wilson this Thursday!

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