Thursday, March 8, 2007

It's official...

Well, it is official! I live in Louisville, KY! (This is my third time writing this blog- once it didn't save and once it completely disapeared from the screen... gotta love computers.)
Today was my second day of work. It is exciting to be working with G.O., even in the office. Sure it isn't the field, but there is so much that happens in the office to prepare for the work on the field. I understand this from my past experience on church staff- Church doesn't just happen on Sundays, the staff work really hard all week long to make each Sunday experience happen. So it is with G.O., and I am happy to contribute in any way I can.
They have put me right to work collaborating on a promotional project for a church planters conference we are attending in April. Church planting? Yep, I said it! This is huge for us to be able to communicate the desire to see church plants adopt a global perspective for the world and to incorporate that in their DNA from the birth of the church! Can you imagine building a church in the US, while simultaneously building a church in the third world offering hope and salvation to a community desperate for a glimpse of hope? Well, this is what we will be sharing with church planters in April... and I have been helping design our CD promo handout that will be included in the gift bags that each person who attends the conference will receive- over 2000 people!
I love to design and put photoshop to good use so this has been a fun project for me! It seems there will be many things here in the office that I will be useful in helping and I just thank the LORD for the experiences he has allowed me to have to further His kingdom!

A few pics. I took today at work!
G.O. Ministries office

My little space!
I am adjusting to things here in Kentucky- things are still so new for me. The G.O. staff has been wonderful and I am very thankful for Brook (the Pres.) and his wife Sandra for offering a place at their house for me to stay during my two months here in the office.
I hope to keep everyone updated on all the wonderful things the LORD is doing here in Kentucky and on the field in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. I have posted links to all the missionaries with G.O. Ministries on the right side of the page. They coordinate medical missions, sports missions, children's ministry and so much more- please check them out to read their stories from the field!

Also, thank you so much for all of you who have said "yes" to the call of God to support this ministry. I, as well as the nationals in the D.R. and Haiti, will be allowed to follow what God is calling us to do by your generous donations... Thank you for being so faithful. I look forward with excitement and anticipation of all that God has in store for me.

1 Peter 4:10 "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms."
For His Glory,


Elizabeth said...

Praise God! It pleases me to learn of how God is using you for his namesake! I'll be praying for you.


Casey Scheberl said...

Jackie- Congratulations! Wow, what an exciting time for you. God will use all of your gifts (and weaknesses) for His glory....just rely on His power. Love and praying for you.


Dos Blessed said...

jackie- you are an answered prayer! welcome to g.o. and thanks for diving right in! God has gifted you in so many ways and i'm so excited to see how He will ultimately use those gifts to grow His glory!

Lisa's Lamppost said...

I am excited to hear things are going great with you. Soak up all you can for you will be down here sooo soon!

Isaias Gabriel/ I.G said...

good job with your blog, it´s really sweet and cool at the same time. thanks for your comment n i guess i´ll see you soon.