Wednesday, June 4, 2008

April and May were very fulfilling months!

In April we hosted two teams, one was a fellow missionary couple's home church and the second was our first ever Men's Conference (Men's Adventure Weekend) and the theme was "Wild at Heart". They had over 130 men in attendance!

I prepared to head back to the states in May to share what God is doing here in Hispaniola, but not before working at the Kentucky Derby. I am happy to announce that with over 80 volunteers this year, our ministry raised $30,000 for Kingdom work, by simply selling the official Derby souvenirs! The money we raised will further the Kingdom work through G.O. Ministries in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mongolia, Colombia, Cuba, and in the Inner-City of Louisville, KY.

I helped represent G.O. at the Exponential Church Planting Conference in April and I also visited a new church in TN, Hamilton Life Church and was fortunate to speak during their Sunday service and spend time with my good friends Ben and Laura! This church has already begun to support me and are already beginning to talk about a Spring 2009 mission trip to the D.R. After TN, I visited a church in San Francisco, Central Peninsula Church, where my good friend Rob pastors there. They too are prayerfully considering a partnership and a 2009 trip as well. Please keep these two churches in prayer. My time ended in the states with a visit to Las Vegas. I was able to be there for mother's day, my dad's birthday, and my stepdad's 50th birthday! I was also able to share at Soulstice Church who faithfully supports me.

Two very special things happened when I returned to the D.R. on May 21st... My godson, Jansel, was born to my friend Fior two days after I left for the U.S., and so when I returned I visited him on his 1 month birthday.

Also, I turned 26 on May 29th! I was able to share my birthday with William and Alexandra Decena, tons of beautiful children in the Bateys along with a fellow missionary Cherry, and our Intern, Jana. We spent one day (my birthday) with this special community celebrating "La Semana de Damas." (Women's Week) They had a service each night of the week at the church and the Women's Ministry sang, read scripture and celebrated the special place we women have in the Kingdom. They made a special birthday tea for me out of Canalia (a type of leaf) and tostones (fried smashed plantains)... It was a birthday I won't forget... I am so grateful for my friends here and for the people God has placed in my life here and in the U.S.

One (of several) new roles I find myself in is the Director of Internships and two of our summer interns have arrived. This has been a fun role for me as I enjoy teaching and working with people who desire to learn and serve. We have such an amazing opportunity to work with gifted men and women after God's heart from all of the WORLD! One intern is coming all the way from Poland! We have 9 interns total this summer! Each one will be serving for a minimum of one month in various capacities from Children's Ministry, Team Facilitating, teaching English, and Medical. Please pray for them and their time here in the D.R. to be productive, encouraging, that God would open their hearts to his Kingdom plan: Jana, Megan, Melissa, Matt & Emily, Adam, Yvonne, Elaine, and Karolina.

If you are interested in finding out more about G.O. Ministries or leading a trip please visit our website at or leave me a comment and I will contact you with more information!

1 comment:

ivegotsoul said...

Jackie! You look good! I wish you well for whatever else comes up for you =)