Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hurricane Season Torments Haiti

"In the Always Funeral Home, 21 mud-crusted bodies were piled in a small room, unclaimed. Two of them were pregnant, one still clutching a small girl to her chest."

Tormented by one storm after another, Haiti has suffered the highest loss of life. By time any of the Tropical Storms or Hurricanes have made landfall on the U.S., they have already done their most destructive damage... to those areas least able to respond and cope with the loss of life, and the overwhelming disease and sickness that accompany the flood waters.

Bridges and roads were destroyed providing no access for relief workers into Gonaives, Haiti's second largest city located on the western side of the country, leaving them stranded... hopeless.

Pray for our brothers and sisters in Haiti, for survivors, for relief workers to gain access.

Here are some numbers from this season:

Fay: 9 dead
Gustav: 79 dead
Hanna: 183 dead
Ike: 70 dead
Click on this link to watch a video of Haitian towns submerged under water

Here is also a link that will take you to over 50 articles & videos concerning the devastation in Haiti

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