Sunday, March 22, 2009

Central Peninsula Church

Central Peninsula Church. I am not quite sure how to even start this blog.

How about the past.

I accepted Christ when I was 20. It's been almost 7 years.

Rob and Missy Hall led to me to Christ. They became my mentors. I served with them and later worked for them in student ministries and children's ministry.

We both eventually moved- them to California and me to the Dominican Republic. My first ever mission trip was with G.O. Ministries to the D.R. when I was 21 and Rob was the leader. He led several trips and they were all successful, but due to moves and life circumstances he hadn't been back in several years.

After a visit to see my friends in San Francisco it was decided that now was the time to return to the DR, but this time it was Missy's turn. She recruited a team of 24 from CPC to serve alongside the Nationals in constructing 2 houses and also doing children's ministry in surrounding communities.

We had hoped that they would come alongside Pastor Medina and would encourage him spiritually and also partner with him financially. Medina is a man of God and a pastor of a small community. He is also a police officer. He splits his time between his growing family (3 kids), the police force, and the church. Our desire (and Medina's) is that he could financially make enough to quit the police force and pastor full-time to truly meet the needs of those in his community.

Watching the team care for Medina and his family is sometimes something hard to put into words. When you see two worlds collide for a brief moment or as one team member put it, two broken parts of the body coming together to heal one another it is, well, beautiful.

The team is making strides towards a partnership with Medina and we are so incredibly humbled and thankful for their week they spent here and the lasting impact it has had on the communities they worked with.

For me, it was personally one of my most encouraging weeks I have actually spent here on the field. Thank you Missy and CPC for sharing Christ's love with the nationals, for stepping out in faith to come on the trip and for partnering with me. I am humbled!

We look forward to the next CPC trip in June 2009!

Missy and Jackie, February 2009
Construction of houses for Rene Rodriguez and Luis Jimenez

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