Saturday, January 13, 2007

Oh the woes of creating a budget...

Ok- so I have fielded many questions about my budget recently. I do not mind this at all. I actually think it is great because 1.) People are reading what I sent out and 2.) People care what there money goes. I do too!!
So, I thought I would do a little clearing of the air with this blog, in hopes to dispel some fears you might have.
My budget is broken into several categories. It is my responsibility to fill in the blanks with the numbers. G.O. does NOT tell me how much I need to raise for each category, however they provide input, insight, and so on.
I have 3 budgets, my dream budget, middle road budget, and bare bones budget. All three are approved simultaneously. This is a great thing because as I am raising support and it increases it just green lights whichever budget I am closest to. Brilliant! So, let's say I receive too little or too much than I have budgeted for- I do not have to go back and re-figure numbers. They already are set from the beginning.
I like this because the ministry is not set on the dollar amount I am raising (which it would be if I created a budget around what I am raising.) The money would be the focus. But it is not, God is the focus. So with much prayer and thought I have plugged in the numbers I felt God was leading me to, based upon the ministry I think he has in mind for me.
So, enough of the background, let's get to the numbers. My monthly total right now for my middle road budget is $4,300 MONTHLY! I know! I know! This is a big amount, for you or me, but for God, nothing is to big!
Here are the four major categories- personal, field, ministry, sponsorship.
Personal and field expenses are the everday living: rent, health insurance, medical savings, housing, travel expenses (I fly to the states approx. 2-3 times a year!), language training- I will be going to Spanish class everyday.
Ministry: this is what is used to make ministry happen. There are so many things this can be used for from Christmas presents for the kids I work with to correspondence with supporters in the states.
Sponsorship: This is the biggest category and one that I feel strongest about. We must raise money to support the G.O. Kids Child Sponsorship, National & Pastor Sponsorship, and the Buildings. To sponsor a child it costs $30 a month- so I could just put $30 a month in there, but I think God wants us to do something big. Not just one new kid, but in my budget 10 new kids. The money that give will not just keep me surviving but will keep Pastors, Nationals, and kids surviving. I think that is so cool.
It's not just about supporting me and it should never be. There is so much good that the money you donate will support. I am open to talking more about this with anyone who is interested!
So, I asked myself, when creating my budget: Do you want this ministry to survive or flourish? Do you want to get by or make differences? I choose the latter, every time I choose the latter. I have tried to go into my budget and change those ministry #'s and I can't do it... and I have tried several times. Each time I feel uneasy, anxious, distrusting... and I can't do it. I would rather remove my food budget (at $100 a month) than take $100 away from kids in the DR.
So, I hope this clears up any questions, and if not, let's talk more. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think!!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I think it is wonderful that you have such faith in God to bring you your dream budget! He is surley going to bless you and the ministries in the DR and Hatie.